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3]Silkroad has always been a wonderful part of our life; we met people, created lasting experiences, and were always entertained by the game. You recall the heyday of Silkroad, between 2005 and 2010, when it was the most enjoyable game you had ever played? We've made it our mission to transport you back in this golden era.
head]<B>Elitepvpers</B>|<B>Join Date</B>|<B>Position</B>
"head"]<B>SRO File</B>|<B> Hash </B>
<B><a>silkroad.exe</a> </B>|e17853e3fb61d649414a66f8047124d8133ade70c863077d116abd6457ba4461
<B><a>sro_client.exe</a></B> | b2239ee0a87424365a7a99ad0aeebb8d51fd03e96f7fb02f911eaef4d8af03e2
border: 1, expandable: 1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAfQC1toVQo
border: 1, expandable: 1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5-txZtt_E4
3]Players can earn exciting rewards to enhance the leveling process, providing motivation and accomplishment. New challenges and obstacles make reaching the maximum level an engaging adventure.
3]The thrill of racing to reach the maximum level will undoubtedly be the highlight of your gaming experience. Additionally, the top players who successfully achieve this feat will be rewarded with Silk, adding an extra incentive to strive for greatness.
3]While leveling up, you need a boost; we've got you! You will receive various rewards from Level 1 to Level 80. These rewards can include in-game currency, exclusive items, and even special abilities that can enhance your gameplay experience. As you progress through each level, the rewards become more valuable and exciting, providing a constant sense of achievement and motivation to keep pushing forward..
3]In SJSRO, we think that old school demands a hard equipment system; nevertheless, we didn't include the automatic equipment system; instead, we boosted the NPC Items to be FB +3 to aid you in reaching the maximum level!
3]We wanted to maintain the authenticity and uniqueness of the core system, as it added a distinct flavor to the gameplay experience. By keeping it original, we aimed to offer players a fresh and immersive gaming environment that they wouldn't find elsewhere.
3]<B>Normal Items</B>
]You will need to start playing with Normal Items (Drop from all Monsters Lv 72–80) since Seal of Star items will be hard to obtain in the first month. However, don't worry as Normal Items still offer a decent amount of power and can help you progress through the game. As you level up and gain more experience, you can gradually work towards acquiring Nova items for even greater strength in the long run.
3]<B>Seal of Star</B>
]Seal of Star Items will be obtained from the original Silkroad methods, which are drops from monsters (Lv 64–80) With a very low drop rate!
3]<B>Seal of Moon</B>
]Seal Of Moon Items will be the End-game items of the server, so they will definitely be postponed to an certain date (After 3 months of grand open) You will be able to obtain them by the original Silkroad methods; in addition, Moon Weapons will be added through a various ways to give everyone a chance to get them. These End-game items will be highly sought after by players, as they will provide significant advantages in battles and competitions. Obtaining them through the original Silkroad methods ensures a fair and balanced gameplay experience for all players.
3]You can now acquire Honor buffs through performing job activities . The alternative option is to participate in activities; these honor buffs will be active at all times.
3]People enjoy gambling, which is why we included valuable incentives in the Magic Pop System. We decided to remove Magic Pop from the Item Mall and maintain it as a prize only to avoid the "Pay to Win" concept.
3]This is our official NPC, who not only sells all necessary stuff but also offers several missions to aid you in your game trip!
3]One of the most enjoyable battles in Silkroad is without a doubt Battle Arena. The fight arena in SJSRO is crucial for everyone since it provides you with arena coins, a currency you must have in order to purchase the equipment you require!
3]Capture The Flag is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable conflicts in Silkroad, but slaying the monsters will grant you enormous EXP, and completing the Skill Point Quests will reward you with SP as well!
3]You can participate in a variety of events to earn in-game rewards.
3]You can participate in a variety of events to earn in-game rewards.
3]By using our forum signature, there will be a chance to win 100 silk units. All you need to do to win the silks is copying this code down below and putting it in your forum signature.
title: Forum Signature Code, title-style: bold, title-color: #a68259]
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